Doujinshi | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#30661 - Its been a very hot summers day, all day you have been working in the garden overheating, sweating, getting very sticky in your clothes, as the evening starts to draw in you decide to take a shower to freshen up once out of the shower you slip on a thin night gown that comes down just below you bum, you have no underwear on you leave it unbuttoned a little just showing the tops of your lovely breasts you go pour yourself a strong ice cold drink full of ice cubes you drink it very quickly so you go get another that too you drink very quickly, after half way through the third glass you can feel the start of the tipsiness coming you go and sit at the table your laptop is in front of you, the table is quite near to the rear door of the house as you sit there you look out of the window and see that it is nice and dark outside, sitting there you start becoming all hot again so you decide to open the back door to let some air in to cool you down. As you are sitting there your thoughts ar

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